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Temple Of Empowerment

Lord Maiterya Love Initiations

Created by Ofira Levi

- Divine blessings, Guidance, Strengthens Connection the the Divine/Higher Self/Life Purpose -

Lord Maiterya Love Initiations comes to assist you at this time in your life journey to move forward to the next phase in your spiritual journey and Ascension.

Lord Maiterya is the present Logos of our planet step forward to assist you. He gives divine blessings, and guidance, empowering you by strengthing your connection with the divine, your higher spiritual being, your life purpose and commitment to planetary service.

You are a planetary server; each step you make forward in your personal ascension assists all others.

Your progress sends ripples of light across the web of light around planet Earth.

This is a Master Level and after you receive all 4 initiations you can pass it to others.

Lord Maiterya Love Initiation - Master-$50.00

You will receive the Lord Maiterya Love Initiation manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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