Founded By: Linda Colibert
The Light of Muses attunement connects you to the Muses in a way that will fill you with inspiration and creative energy.
Creative energies are not only used in fine arts like music, painting, writing, etc. but are also a part of daily life.
Inspiration often gives you the guidance, and wisdom to solve problems that need immediate attention.
There are nine Muses that are most well known, but there are actually many more Muses that may be inspiring us in things
such as justice, business, love, and other areas of our lives that we do not even know are helping us.
The Light of Muses
attunement will strengthen your connection to Spirit in a way that allows you to consciously call on the Muses for
inspiration and creative solutions.
You will learn about the nine most well known Muses, and how to call on them for
assistance, guidance, and inspiration in all areas of your life. You will be given a universal symbol to use to connect
you quickly to any of the Muses to help enhance your creativity, and open the path for Divine inspiration.
Light of Muses - Master-$15.00
You will receive the Light of Muses
manual via
Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.
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