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Temple Of Empowerment

Light of Christ Activation

Created by Tracey Loper

The Light of Christ Activation is a divine energy, power, that Ascended Master Jesus Christ gives us which brings life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences us for good. The energy of this activation brings comfort to our souls and activates within us the ability to have a deeper love for all mankind. As a result we will be better teachers, healers, parents, men, woman and children. As the Light of Christ Activation energy works in and through us we will receive enlightenment, knowledge, and an uplifting, persevering influence that comes to us as a gift of Ascended Master Jesus.

It will activate the Christ Light within us so that we have a deeper regard for All. This Inner Light activated will direct us to everything that is good, every Christ like virtue. We will experience greater mercy, compassion, empathy, courage, faith, love, and other Christ-like virtues, so that we serve like the stewards Spirit intended us to be. As servants to the Light we will receive enlightenment to produce inspired things for the blessing and good of All mankind..

We will gain a greater capacity to see and feel things that are invisible to the physical senses. Situations that are dark and or uncertain will vanish. Our spirit will be cleansed. When we face indecision we will be inspired to sit quietly and seek guidance. We will wait in the light and ask the Divine to show us our truth. Our ability to receive and hear Divine guidance will become enhanced. Our guidance will become clearer.

Light of Christ Activation - Master-$29.99

You will receive the Light of Christ Activation manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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