Lightarian Reiki is a unique, expanded and higher vibrational
form of Reiki that enhances the opportunity for healing by vibrationally
"stretching" the healing process into a new space!
This New Space are
the six vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki and have been organized
into just four levels. These levels are called Lightarian Reiki I &
II, III, IV and V & VI.
In Level I & II, the majority of the principles of Lightarian Reiki
are taught and your initial Lightarian attunement with Ascended Master
Buddha is delivered.
This first training/attunement prepares you vibrationally
to receive the attunements in the three higher levels. The three advanced
attunements are about progressively "stepping up" your energies into
higher vibrational levels within the Reiki spectrum, connecting you
into higher aspects of the Buddhic energies. No formal training is
required for these levels.
During the advanced attunements, an introduction
and permanent connection is made with a different supportive energy
to assist in creating an expansion of the healing work and to enhance
the healing process.
As an example, in Lightarian Reiki III you are
"introduced" to Gaia, the Earth Mother, whose energies will be available
as a "healing platform" for your personal healing process and your
treatments with clients.
In Level IV, you receive the loving and powerful overlighting "umbrella-like"
effects of special healing energies of the Godhead.
In Lightarian Reiki V & VI, another supportive healing energy is
introduced, that of Ascended Master Sananda. He joins with Ascended
Master Buddha, Gaia and the Godhead to create what we call the Divine
Healing Chamber.
This unique and powerful healing tool, the Divine
Healing Chamber, is then available to you for your work with clients
as well as for yourself.
PREREQUISITES for taking Lightarian Reiki: In order to move to the higher
vibrational levels within the Reiki spectrum, one
must always start
with Usui-based Reiki. From there, one proceeds to
the next frequency band of Karuna-based Reiki or
alternatively, the Lightarian Buddhic Boost.
After this, one is energetically prepared to
receive the higher vibrational levels of Lightarian
Therefore, Usui Based Reiki Master Level
(1st Band) plus either the Lightarian "Buddhic
Boost" or Karuna-based Reiki Master Level
(2nd Band) are prerequisites for receiving
Lightarian Reiki.
The Lightarian Buddhic Boost is offered as a means to
energetically "bridge the vibrational gap" between
Usui-based Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Receiving the
Buddhic Boost will simply and effectively lift your
vibration up to the Second Band of the Reiki energies,
in preparation for receiving the higher vibrational bands
of Lightarian Reiki I & II. The Buddhic Boost is a very
simple attunement designed to vibrationally prepare you
for getting started with the Lightarian Reiki Training
Program. It requires no formal training of its own and
no manual is provided in advance of receiving the
Boost attunement. Complete details about the Buddhic
Boost are covered in the Lightarian Reiki I&II Manual.
Approximately 30 days after receiving the Boost, you would be ready
to receive Lightarian Reiki I & II. However, under certain circumstances,
the timing can be accelerated.
If you are not currently attuned to a Karuna based Reiki
you will receive the Buddhic Boost at no extra cost.
A Master Teacher/Practitioner Certification is given
after completion of each level.