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Temple Of Empowerment

Lightarian Purification Rings ™

Advanced Connections With The Seraphim!

The Lightarian Purification Rings are designed to create extraordinary connections for you from the highest level of the angelic realms called the seraphim.

The Seraphim have historically been quite removed from humanity because of their higher vibrational strata within the angelic realms the call to divine service to support our global transformation has prompted the Seraphim to come forward more prominently at this time. The rings have been given to humanity in order for their energies to be infused into all living things with the purest and highest energy patterns of the seraphim to assist us in operating from a pure state of bliss and alignment.

It is an advanced program consisting of six unique and permanent guide ship connections with these supportive group of celestial beings.The lightarian purification Rings will help to create a powerful connection with the Seraphim who are a specialized angelic team that have stepped forward to assist you in your evolution and expansion of your energetic vibration.

Their aim is to expand the qualities of unconditional love, wholeness, harmonization, beauty and bliss within your energy field for you to anchor into your daily life.

Level 1 Seraphim Y

Level 1 of the purification rings will connect you with the energy of seraphim Y who will instill an etheric blue flame into your heart chakra while reformatting your genetic encodings and perspective on life.This connection will result in a deeper understanding for the "All there is" and a feeling to express yourself more truly through divine service so that your life will become more joyous and loving Please note that purification rings level 1 represents the doorway into the energetic levels of the seraphim and is a prerequisite for receiving the other five purification rings attunements

Level 2 Seraphim C

The Purification Rings Level 2 attunement focuses on pure,clear communications and the interpretation of information that you receive through your five senses.Seraphim C will place a crystal skull into your crown chakra that may result in experiencing a profound impact in the mental,emotional,physical and spiritual bodies by removing all aspects that do not serve your highest good any longer.The star energy of Arinae will support you to reformat the frontal lobe to interpret sensory input.

Level 3 Seraphim V

The Purification Rings Level 3 focuses on helping you to release the hidden agenda's and stuff to work out by removing the cloak that is present in your energy field. This cloak is created through fear when entering the human form throughout the process of physical birth. By removing the cloak you will approach everything around you with a sense of love and start standing fully within your own truth.Fear will recede as love is fully allowed to enter your energy field.During this attunement process Seraphim V will instill a silver line through your crown chakra and downward where it will shadow your spine. This will enable you to strengthen your sense of self worth by moving away from others who choose to act for their own self serving motivations.

Level 4 Seraphim Z

The Lightarian pruification rings Level 4 focuses on removing grief stored in your physical being.Unresolved grief causes tiny holes within the soul which need to be healed before the soul can become whole again.During the attunement process the Seraphim Z group will instill a rainbow circle into your heart chakra which represents wholeness and completeness.After releasing the grief you have stored in your body the Seraphim Z group will fill those area's with divine love

Level 5 All Seraphic Groups

The lightarian Purification Rings Level 5 focuses on the total understanding and practice of the principles of invocation and intention.It will help you to manifest and anchor it in a state of bliss.During the level 5 attunement process all the seraphim representatives will invoke the etheric blue flame for you to stand in completely. The blue flame will start at your feet and rise over your entire energy field,including the crown chakra and upward to your oversoul and your higher self.When immersed in the blue flame you feel more at ease and are connected with Gaia and the flow of life.In this space you are able to invoke your intentions and manifest what ever you choose.

Level 6 Seraphim K

Your final attunement to the purification rings will focus on manipulating the natural forces to create magic within your present reality.This is attained by connecting you with your surrounding energies.Seraphim K will work with the creative area of the brain to expand your ability to create through sound. the Seraphim K group will instill golden notes in your throat chakra to focus on the throat centre and use your voice to instill the necessary energetic configurations in the body.Once the throat centre is prepared the harmonization will spread through the rest of the body.You will be able to manipulate the natural forces and create magic by transforming all that is surrounding you for your highest and greatest good

Lightarian Purification Rings - ALL Levels 1-6-$185.00

Prerequisite: The Purification Rings can be accepted by anyone but the Lightarian Institute do highly recommend that the Lightarian Angellinks be received before being attuned given the increased vibrational frequencies of the Seraphic energies.

You will receive the Lightarian Purification Rings manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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