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Temple Of Empowerment

Lightarian Ascension Band™

Levels 1-6

Transformation, Ascended Master

The Lightarian Ascension Bands were channelled by Peggy Zeramby in 2012.

The Lightarian Ascension Bands have been created to help bring forth a new form of energy transmission that is being given to help reawaken humanity to the sacred levels of the higher vibrational bands of the divine Buddhic energies.

These energies are being given to help assist humankind as we enter into a new phase of spiritual existence.

The unique and very special gift of these Buddhic energies are being offered to everyone to accelerate their spiritual vibration awaken higher forms of healing and to prepare you to become a new human species. The emphasis in this unique form from the Lightarian Institute is on simplicity and utilizing the power of clear, focused intentions through ones own pure and creative thought forms.

The Lightarian Ascension Bands has been designed to be received by those who are on a true path of self actualization and realization. As you raise your vibrational energies through the Lightarian Ascension Bands and tap into the higher aspects of the Buddhic energy spectrum, you will naturally become a clearer and better vessel for your higher self to anchor itself more fully into your day to day life.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 1

The first spiritual connection to the Ascension Band level 1 will help create the discerning opening to the first band of Buddhic energies. You could call this attunement your introduction to the Buddhic energies.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 2

The second level within the Ascension Band system will help you to increase internal, external and celestial communications with your guides, masters, archangels, higher self and the godhead energies. Your spiritual senses will also become hyperaware to a degree where Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience may develop or be expanded to a new level of awareness.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 3

During your third Ascension Band attunement you will begin a deep spiritual process of Ascension and Descension. What is Ascension & Descension? Ascension is a process of deep inner clearing, releasing and transforming the density of your physical body so your spiritual self can descend into your physical awareness. As you Ascend you go through a process of surrendering and subjugating your ego to make room for your spiritual body to descend. Your higher chakras are activated as well as your lower chakras whole integration occurs, creating a restructuring of your 7 major chakras into one unified Heart Chakra. Since the process of Ascension / Descension is cyclical, we ascend in order to descend in order to ascend in order to descend even further. This is Self Actualization.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 4

Through your attunement to the 4th Ascension Band you will gain a very strong energetic connection to the energies of Gaia (Mother Earth). Gaia is invited into the Buddhic space to give you assistance in creating an expanded, highly supportive healing platform for your spiritual work. You will continue to open more fully to the higher inner wisdom of Master Buddha and Mother Earth while also expanding yourself awareness to discover a great sense of spiritual grace in your everyday life.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 5

The fifth Ascension Band has been designed to help you move yourself into the higher bands of Buddhic energies and vibrational awareness while continuing to anchor a direct attunement based relationship between you and the Godhead energies.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Level 6

During your final attunement to the Ascension Bands you will receive an attunement to the vibrational energies of the Buddhic Bands as Ascended Master Sananda introduces a divine healing chamber of light which will be erected around you to be used as an integrated tool for Ascension/Descension Process.

Lightarian Ascension Band-ALL Levels 1-6 - Master-$195.00

Lightarian Ascension Band Bridge -One Attunement

The Lightarian Ascension Bridge consists of 1 distant attunement that energetically attunes you to all 6 levels of the Lightarian Ascension Bands. This is a highly advanced exchange of energies that is only being given to teachers who have already been attuned and registered as a Lightarian Reiki 5&6 facilitator. For this reason I will need to see a copy of your Lightarian Reiki certification and lineage to confirm that you have been fully registered with the Lightarian Institute. The Lightarian Band Bridge Attunement is not a transfer of energy to bridge the gap between the Ascension Bands and Lightarian Reiki.

Lightarian Ascension Band Bridge Attunement - $150.00

With your purchase you will receive the following:

The Lightarian Ascension Band manuals will be emailed to you.

The distant attunements to the Lightarian Ascension Band energies will be sent to you at an appointed time and day or via the call in (chi ball) method.

Upon completion of your distant attunements you will receive an emailed certificate with genuine hand signed signature and lineage.

You will also receive full registration with the Lightarian Institute as an Ascension Bands Teacher/Facilitator.

* Lightarian Ascension Band Bridge Attunement Information -

The Lightarian Ascension Bridge consists of 1 distant attunement that energetically attunes you to all 6 levels of the Lightarian Ascension Bands. This is a highly advanced exchange of energies that is only being given to teachers who have already been attuned and registered as a Lightarian Reiki 5 & 6 facilitator.

For this reason I will need to see a copy of your Lightarian Reiki certification and lineage to confirm that you have been fully registered with the Lightarian Institute.

The Lightarian Band Bridge Attunement is not a transfer of energy to bridge the gap between the Ascension Bands and Lightarian Reiki.

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