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Temple Of Empowerment

Lady Venus Heart ™

Created by Ofira Levi

- Clearing/Purification of Your Heart/Heart Chakra, Loving Energy, Full of Compassion and Grace -

From the Founder:

Lady Venus is the keeper of divine mother flame on Earth.

Lady Venus Heart includes energies to assist you in clearing and purification of your heart.

Lady Venus will infuse your heart with energy designed especially for the heart chakra and preparing you to divine realignment with the higher dimensions.

Lady Venus Heart will remind you of your divine essence, your divine source and divine plan. You will connect to your higher spiritual self and higher celestial light beings in the higher realms in Eternal Light and Love Divine to assist you in ascension so you may assist Mother Earth with her own ascension.

Lady Venus flame is loving energy, full of compassion and grace and divine mother love she is gentle and penetrating deep to assist you become whole and remember your divinity; while you are still on Earth.

You will receive 3 attunements in 3 chi balls , manual in PDF and email certification.

Lady Venus Heart ™ - Master-$45.00

You will receive the Lady Venus Heart ™ manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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