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Kundalini Reiki Boosters

"Moment to Moment Let The Vibrations Of Your
Attunements Create Soul Beauty!" -Victor

Prerequisite: Kundalini Reiki Advanced Version

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf

Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced Version is the prerequiste for Golden Shakti.

Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced Version contains extra Attunements Not found in Kundalini Reiki Boosters regular version.

Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced Version contains very dynamic teachings designed to fully intergrate the Kundalini experience.

Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced Version contains 11 special Empowerments plus several important techniques not found anywhere else.

These multiple Attunements, Techniques and Initiations are very unique and not found anywhere else on the planet!

These advanced teachings are designed to clear the Kundalini Path for a safe ascent of the Kundalini energies!

Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced-$250.00
Includes Regular Version

Hi Victor, thank you for activating the attunements, I'd like to tell you a few words about them. First three 10min. were quite smooth, maybe first a bit stronger, but last 25min. started immediately with strong intensity. Usually I feel the attunements on head chakra and third eye as well, this one opened my crown chakra much more and I felt pressure on third eye which started disappear by spreading energy through crown around whole head and further, they were somehow smoothly united together and energy created a ball around my body. Thanks a lot for this experience. Blessings, Rasto

Hi, Victor, I have been working with all the attunements in the Boosters Advanced Workshop, a lot of homework! I continue to have a lot of stuff bubbling up so I know it is working. I feel a lot of heat in the navel chakra which was something I previously seemed unable to do on my own. I feel like a heat generator when I do the meditation. Again, thank you for your energy. Very Sincerely, Carolyn

Hi again Victor Just thought I'd let you know that today I received the 2nd and 3rd attunements. As always, the strength and quality of your attunements is outstanding. I am honoured and privileged to be able to receive your attunements. Many thanks! Shannon

Important Notes: Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced version may not be offered on Yahoo Groups, Ebay or similar groupings. All rights are with Victor Glanckopf. Translations in other languages as well as using the text in any format without written consent is strictly forbidden and against the law.

You will receive the Kundalini Reiki Boosters Advanced Manuals via Email, All Empowerments, emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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