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Temple Of Empowerment

Kundalini Awakening

Created by Mariah Windsong

Kundalini Awakening energy system consists of 3 levels.

Each shall be received by an attunement that provides you with a dose of these energies. Anyone may accept the attunements to this energy system.

Only Reiki or Seichim Master Teachers may pass Kundalini Awakening onward to other people.

This is due to the level of skill one must already have with strong awakens your Kundalini to its next highest expression. Wonderful for people at all levels of their spiritual energy frequencies prior to awakening another person's Kundalini. awakening. Your Kundalini energy can help you learn about yourself and actually understand spiritual knowledge, thus gaining spiritual wisdom.

It reveals itself in helping people have a more direct or real experience with the spiritual realms and that which is spiritual in themselves. Kundalini Awakening enlivens and beckons your Kundalini energies to arise and move through your body. The actual awakening of your Kundalini happens when you and your body are ready.

Kundalini Awakening gently dissolves away blocks or cords which currently limit your kindling's rise up your spine. You are educated about some of the new ways you'll need to be responsible with your own energy after your Kundalini has been awoken and begins to rise within you.

You will receive 3 chi ball attunements sent consecutively and 1 emailed pdf manual.

Kundalini Awakening - Master-$50.00

You will receive the Kundalini Awakening manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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