Temple Of Empowerment


Karuna is a powerful system developed by William Rand. It is a Sanskrit word which means to diminish the suffering of others. William says, Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings working to end suffering on Earth.

They continually send unlimited amounts of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it.

As you develop Karuna in yourself, you are helping others, and you will also become more receptive to the Karuna being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well."

Karuna , when coupled with Usui Reiki, accelerates even more profound levels of healing and opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings.

Karuna has two practitioner and two master teacher levels: Practitioner Levels - Provides 8 new symbols for use during treatments and guidance and practice in their use.

Examples of their many specific applications include preparing the person for deep healing, releasing fears and traumas at the cellular level, healing addictions, breaking up negative patterns, healing the shadow self, restoring balance and love, healing relationships, empowering and manifesting goals, grounding, connecting the higher self and increasing clairvoyance. Two of the symbols assist with healing all of humanity and the Earth.

Master Levels - Provides above 8 practitioner symbols plus 4 master symbols and guidance and practice in their use.

You will be taught how to pass attunements qualifying you as a Registered Teacher of Karuna .

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