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Temple Of Empowerment

Karma Angels

Created by Deborah Nappi

- Intensive Spiritual Releasement from Karma -

The Angels of Karma or Lords of Karma are part of the Angelic Realms and are covered by both the ancient Jewish and Indian Traditions. They are the guardians of individual experiences. The Angels of Karma also have a very power but not invasive energy which is felt when you connect with them.

The energy of the Angels of Karma is made of pure unconditional love, compassion and is totally deprived of any form of judgment. The Angels see us as we truly are. We are beings of light, within a human shell. When you choose to work with the Angels of Karma there must be total humility towards them because it is not always possible to ask them for the total liberation from Karma and in some cases it must be preceded by the taking of one’s awareness to gradually release the emotional and/or physical ailments that are manifesting within your current lifetime but stem from past lifetimes and past experiences.

This is not a system for someone who just wants to add another system to their reselling list. It is a serious commitment that is made between you and the Angels of Karma. It is a journey of self discovery and an awakening to the many aspects that reside within you which have been suppressed for one reason or another. The Karma Angels will bring these aspects of your being to the surface so they can be transmuted and released but always remember that at times this will not be easy and will create intense clearings.

All of this is given with the energies of love and support from the angels realms but it is a journey that only a few will choose to walk.

Karma Angels - Master-$29.99

You will receive the Karma Angels manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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