Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
Kamea Workshop presents NEW Kameas & Attunements for the planets.
These Attunements when
used with the New Kamea Mandala will bring you many healing and Spiritually
uplifting benefits.
Kameas are the power grids of the planetary energies.
Kameas in the past were based entirely upon numbers & also magical squares.
Traditionally numbers in the squares
are arranged so that the sums of any row, vertically, horizontally
or diagonally are the same when added in any direction.
The Kameas reveal the planetary essences
through the language of numbers thus mapping out its individual energies for one using them.
Kamea energies will align your energy fields to that of the Planet being represented by way of Empowerment.
Kamea Workshop attunes the adept to the energies and Spritual qualities
of the following planets & orbs: