Isis's Blue Moon is a particular energy stream that I became aware of while meditating with Isis one day.
She sent the energies through and I paid attention. I named it Isis Blue Moon as that is the simple visualization that is used to connect with this energy stream. Everyone has known it as Isis Blue Moon since that time.
I had considered the alternative names of Full Spectrum Isis & The Spiritual Order of Isis. Full Spectrum Isis
would have been self explanatory.... simply put, everything Isis or All Isis energies and frequencies. You are already part of the Spiritual Order of Isis just by receiving the Isis Blue Moon initiation/empowerment.
In all likelihood, you were already or you wouldn't have been interested in Isis Blue Moon. Basically, the Order is just a nice way of saying you're part of the Isis family at the spiritual levels. Some alternate names for the
Order have been The Ancient Order of Isis, The Sacred Order of Isis and The Order of the Temple Isis.
Those are just the immediate ones that come to mind when I ask Isis about the names. I'm sure there
have been more versions of it through time, space and all the many dimensions of existence.
The Isis energy streams all have many energetic aspects and frequencies. Isis Blue Moon includes them all.
The more you work with Isis and use Isis Blue Moon healing, the more likely you will be to notice these individual aspects. I have listed some of the main Isis frequencies below along with some of the ancient associated symbols.
I recently read something online about the Golden Isis frequencies of Isis being "new." That is not true at all.
Isis energies have always contained the golden frequencies; however, not everyone has always been able
to access them. I have never read about the Golden Star of Isis anywhere before. That is something Isis shared
directly with me and I know in my heart these frequencies have always been available. Also, if you spend some time with the Golden Star of Isis you will begin remembering your past Egyptian lifetimes.
How does it feel?
To me this energy usually feels cold and blue or bluish white. Sometimes I feel it as electric. Others have reported that it feels calming and soothing to them.
What can Isis Blue Moon be used for?
Mostly I've used Isis Blue Moon energy can be used for any cooling and/or clearing types of healing work. I used it once simply to reduce swelling in a pinched nerve for a friend of mine. Others in the room said they noticed my skin turn pale white. I've also called upon
it to help clear rooms that have large amounts of negative energy. You can use Isis Blue Moon healing for just about anything though from swelling to cancers.
-Linda Vaughan