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Temple Of Empowerment

Invitation Into The White Priesthood

Founded By Sabine Sangitar:

The White Priesthood is the priesthood of the New Age, of freedom.

Jesus Christ himself was a white priest, having received his initiation from Mother Mary who was a priestess in Avalon.

Human beings who accompanied him on his way received too an initiation into the White priesthood.

During the initiation Jesus will kindle the fire field of the White priesthood in you. Through these energies you will feel what it means to be a white priestess, a White Priest.

The gentler White priesthood helps to dissolve the hard vows and patterns of previous incarnations that still affect you today, but are no longer helpful to you in this incarnation. The priest power of Jesus Christ protects you so that you will experience more freedom in your work and fulfilling your task.

You will receive the manual and attunement ASAP and the certificate and lineage available upon request.

Invitation Into The White Priesthood-Master- $98.00

You will receive Invitation Into The White Priesthood Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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