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Temple Of Empowerment

Inner Angel Awakening Empowerment

Created by Tracey Loper

The Inner Angel Awakening empowerment has been given to us so that we can receive the gifts of love, happiness and awaken the Angelic guidance within us.

It will create energy that will transform our lives into a joyful Angelic experience.

The energy will dissolve fears and guide us through change in our lives.

It will leave us feeling joyful, light and bubbly. An angelic current of love will flow through our third-dimensional bodies to provide energetic guidance, encouragement, healing and comfort.

This gives us access to our own higher dimensional Angelic nature while residing in our human bodies. This dynamic empowerment is designed to reveal our true Angelic essence, spiritual gifts and life direction.

As this powerful energy is released a Higher Dimension of Self is revealed.

This will allow us to begin to see ourselves through the eyes of our heart not through our ego.

Our greatness will shine through and rather than limitation we will see unlimited potential and possibilities.

The empowerment will enable us to attune to our own Inner Angel guidance so that our True Divine Self shines through and our dreams become reality.

Inner Angel Awakening Empowerment- Master-$25.00

You will receive the Inner Angel Awakening Empowerment master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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