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Temple Of Empowerment

Important Information Identifier

Created by Mariah Windsong

Important Information Identifier will lift up to your conscious awareness the information that is important for you to notice. Information is all that we perceive through any of our senses, and use to determine how to respond to our environment. This energy system is powered by the Triple I Shakti.

In order to be the most successful you can in your life, there is a need to be good at more than one area of your life. Many people are skilled at one or two areas of their life, yet falter in other areas that are more difficult for them.

The Triple I Shakti increases your skill of noticing what is important. I postulate that most people can be successful in more areas of their life, than they currently are, if they only knew what information is important to focus on and notice, and what doesn't really matter. This is where the Triple I Shakti and Important Information Identifier can be so very helpful.

In our current media filled modern life, we are surrounded by lots of different forms of information. Relationships may be filled with conversation, or lack communication. Our work provides us with much information of varying kinds yet, in order to be efficient at work, most people need to discern what to put their attention on at any one time.

While studying for school or doing projects, most such activities would benefit from easily discerning what you will need to know in order to complete the course of study or project well. Each of these activities would benefit from an increased ease of knowing exactly what is important to notice, and what can be ignored!

Important Information Identifier - Master-$25.00

You will receive the Important Information Identifier manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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