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Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment

From Mariah Windsong

Your cells filter or reabsorb liquid based on Hydrostatic Pressure. This determines the rate of toxins released and nutrients received.

Hydrostatic means water stopping, thus the hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that stops water from passing through the cell membrane. Balanced pressure exerted from within the cell and from the outside the cell membrane is vital. For if this pressure is not proper, and too much liquid is retained inside of the cells, they swell. Anyone who has experienced swollen hands or feet can attest to the fact that this is very uncomfortable. There are several more important reasons that we may not want an overabundance of liquid to remain in the cells.

There are several more important reasons that we may not want an overabundance of liquid to remain in the cells. This is because when liquid moves through the cell membrane out into the area between the cells, it is filtered. Toxins are routed into the lymph system or into the blood as to later be filtered by the kidneys. If the liquid inside the cell is not moving in and out of the cell on a regular basis, not only are toxins not exiting, nutrients are not entering.

Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment - Master-$17.99

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