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Temple Of Empowerment

Hotsuma Futomani System

Founded By Ramon Lopez

- Heal DNA, Restore Soul connection, Heal Soul Wounds, Rejuvenation, Heal Organs, Balance Chi Energy, Speak Your Truth -

In the Hotsuma Futomani System you are attuned and empowered to the origins of reiki.

Toyoke, lord of the japanese northern, drew up a chart using 51 phonetic symbols to represent the 49 deities residing in the heavens. This he presented to his daughter Isanami and her spouse Isanagi, 8th in the line of divine rulers of Japan.

Amateru, sonof Isanagi and Isanami, had his nobles compose poems based on Toyoke's chart.From these, he selected 128, which were then set down as the Futomani Book of Divination (the origin of Shinto divination rituals).

THE BOOK OF HEAVEN AND THE BOOK OF EARTH were published by Kushimikatama-Wanihiko around 600 B.C. and the third part THE BOOK OF MANwas registered by Ootaneko.

The symbols A-U-WA in the inner circle represent Amemiwoya, the creatorof heaven and earth.

We are the result of A and WA and the hara strengthen our connection to original energy.

a- Represents the light
u- Represents the principle of life, you
wa- represents the vital force of life. Focus, power

IT HEALS YOUR DNA & Restores your soul connection
Heal soul wounds
Rejuvenate physically

Use for healing, protect yourself, your space, and meditate.

Hotsuma Futomani System-Master-$35.00

Hello Sri Victor, Received the Hotsuma Futomani Attunement this morning and it was a fantastic experience! The energy was meditative, healing and powerful. To be attuned to the origin of the Reiki system is truly a great gift! This workshop should be taken by all Practitioners of Reiki, so that they are attuned to the foundation of this powerful healing system! Thank you again for all your wonderful workshops, guidance and knowledge. May you be blessed always for offering such Life changing Attunements! With Regards and Thanks always, Sal

You will receive the Hotsuma Futomani System Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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