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Holy Communion Ritual Empowerments

We Have Arrived At The Light!

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf & Olivier Clonaris

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

Since time immemorial holy Rituals & Empowerments have been partaken of to discover the divinity that underlies our human existence.

In this Workshop you will receive 4 powerful Shaktis that work with and empower ancient rituals.

Since our experiences of reality are through subjective experiences we never can be sure what is divinely real.

Through the energetic experience of this Workshop's energies, your awareness of other realities that would have otherwise remained inaccessible to you will become real!

These Empowerments used to be secretive as they have their roots in Atlantis and from a Holy School of knowledge located beyond our universe and worldly dimension.

The creative choice to take this Workshop or not is yours but using these sacred energies can only enable you to become fulfilled by the Holy Rituals as outlined in this manual.

By building your sensitivity and soul connection by working with these energies, a deep sense of the unexpected divine potential in all things will be revealed to you!

You will also receive a very powerful protection technique and energy.

Plus you will receive a very powerful Emotional & Mental cleansing Ritual.

You will begin to experience heightened states of advanced mind expansion and sacramental moments of unfoldment!

Holy Communion Ritual Empowerments-$135.00

You will receive the Holy Communion Ritual Empowerments Practitioner manual via Email, All Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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