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Heart Helix Shaktis

"A Heart Without Love Is Unbalanced, A Heart With Love Is Divine" ~ Victor

Founded by: Victor Glanckopf

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

The purpose of Heart Helix Shaktis Workshop is to facilitate the process of integration between your earthly heart and divine heart energies!

The human heart has its own intrinsic vibration and intelligence that operates independently of the brain.

When the heart's vibration is synchronized with divine energies it expands its intelligence beyond our understanding!

After being Attuned to the Heart Helix Shaktis, your heart will generate an electromagnetic field 1,000 times stronger.

This field will permeate all your cells and DNA and act as an impetus for total balance in all areas of your life!

Your life will open like an umbrella of creativity, gratitude and loving-kindness.

You will come to know that the heart's intelligence is HOLY LOVE in action in your everyday, moment-to-moment expressions.

Heart Helix Shaktis Workshop energies help to activate your intelligence & compassion so your heart can experience divine Love!

These Empowerments will connect you to Divine source so you experience divine Love and Healing.

When the heart is vibrating as it should, Divine guidance can be fully present.

Optimum choices are then made possible in your life as your aura is filled with divine light, moment to moment.

In this Workshop you will receive special techniques!

Plus Empowerments to 2 very special Heart Mandalas that can revolutionize your life!

Plus 4 special Shaktis of transformation!

Heart Helix Shaktis -Practitioner-$125.00


Hello Victor, I must tell you that I love the Heart Helix Shaktis. I use them often when I think of them. I use the shaktis and the meditations. I don't always see colors or faces because it does not really matter. I find I have waves of what seems like gratitude, and blessedness and feelings of being so lucky and blessed that pass through me. It's not my only practice. I've also found that in my part time healing service that when I'm working on people remotely I just have this big grin on my face. I had one client recently tell me when I was working on her in my office that I looked like I was falling asleep. I wasn't - I was very alert. Much Light and Love, Guy

You will receive the Heart Helix Shaktis Practitioner manual via Email, All Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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