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Temple Of Empowerment

Head Care With Herkimer Diamond Shakti

Created by Mariah Windsong

Head Care energy system brings relief for most headaches and balances all of the chakras in your head. A person's head contains major and minor chakras that are as universes of swirling energies. If these energy centers are not properly maintained, we may feel pressure in various places in our head.

Head Chakra Balance energy function feels delightful as it balances these delicate chakras all together so that your mind and body become healthier. Head Care can be used when you are out and about, for quick adjustments and easing of head pressure. You may also activate a Head Care Session when you have the time to recline and relax. Your session may last a half hour or longer.

There are many times when a person's body may respond to an emotional situation with a headache. In such the situation, Head Care may lessen their discomfort immediately when activated. When you have a headache your body is is giving you a message. While this energy system is to help you feel better so that you can attend to the reasons your body responded with a headache. There are illnesses and diseases which can bring on headaches and also very specific conditions like migraines or hormone imbalances that result in head pain.

Herkimer Diamond Shakti:

The spiritual essence of a Herkimer Diamond has a beneficial effect on a person's body of dropping away tension so that the body's own healing abilities are more effective. Herkimer Diamond Shakti works in concert with your body's consciousness and your own soul.

Herkimer Diamonds are known to have these and more spiritual benefits:

Herkimers help ease the adverse affects of your Ascension awakening.
Herkimers assist to anchor your vision here from the highest perspective.
Herkimers blend and enhance the effect of other crystals.
Herkimers can restore distortions in your DNA codes.
Herkimers can bring to your awareness past life memories.
Herkimers help you see the most exalted solution to even difficult situations.
Herkimers free you into spontaneity.
Herkimers help you to simply be knowing your innate value.
Herkimers awaken you to your current life purpose.
Herkimers help you notice healthy ways to attract all you want into your life.
Herkimer Diamond Shakti find the stuck areas in you and release them.
Herkimers help you realize your divine potential in a fast and exalted way.
Herkimers may cause you to not care about others opinions of you.

Head Care With Herkimer Diamond Shakti - Master-$35.00

You will receive the Head Care With Herkimer Diamond Shakti manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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