Created by Maha Kamaleksana Green Meteorite Energy Shower has powerful metaphysical energies of extra-terrestrial origin. Green Meteorite Energy Shower empowers and enhances
the gifts of all chakras,
especially the center and the upper or spiritual chakras, also known as energy wheels or centers -- the heart or Love resonance chakra, the throat or communication chakra,
third-eye or intuition chakra and crown chakra, a person's connection with the divine and extra-terrestrial life energies as well. Thus it is one of the most beneficial energy
systems for accelerating psychic awakening, the expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth and development.
Green Meteorite Energy Shower can create an amazing healing response in the individual as it raises the vibration of other healing energy system within you or performed as combination
healing therapy session. This will create an overall stronger healing vibration.
Its high energy is very helpful in achieving rapid breakthroughs in issues both the past and present. It helps in clearing unhelpful past patterns and in breaking through perceived
limitations. Anything that does not serve its holder's highest good is rapidly shed and replaced with the more evolved version of the same energy. Therefore, the people who had attune
to this system, can use the energy to release negative patterns, old and outdated ways of thinking, bad habits or unresolved emotional pain and help attract and manifest positive
changes in their lives with near magnetic precision.
It also believed had healing properties to our Mother Earth as that the planet requires new life forms in order to heal from all the damage done it in recent generations and Green
Meteorite Energy helps those extra-terrestrial souls incarnating for the first time on earth to ground their energies here.
Green Meteorite Energy Shower - Master-$23.00
You will receive the Green Meteorite Energy Shower manual via
Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.
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