Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
The Golden Ankh's energies can unlock the gates of death and draw down divine energies.
That is why the Golden Ankh is referred to as a symbol of Immortal Life.
The Golden Ankh Workshops activates 2 special Empowerments.
It is from these Empowerments and technique that the Soul learns to
ascend upward.
The shape of the Golden Ankh illustrates everlastingness since circles
have no end.
The Golden ANKH represents one of the most sacred symbols of mankind.
The Golden Ankh is an ancient symbol for health and happiness but has far deeper implications.
The Golden Ankh frees the soul from all the material obstructions that have grasped it
from the very beginning of its journey.
Its deeper meaning is the Key of Life.