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Temple Of Empowerment

Goddess Ostara Initiation

Founder By: Rosemary Noel

Ostara is the Anglo-Saxon/Germanic Goddess of new beginnings, rebirth, fertility in all areas, joy, hope and renewal. After your initiation to Ostara you will find yourself bursting with feminity, rebirthed, joyful and full of hope. Your sexuality will be rekindled and blossom in a powerful way.

Ostara is an interesting goddess because she is considered a Maiden Goddess but instead of a new crescent uses full moon energy, which makes sense, because she is the Goddess who fires up the growth in the spring.

Ostara is a dynamic Goddess bursting full of the power of femininity as well as regeneration. She takes the relay of life firmly as the Crone passes it to her!

Ostara is the Goddess of Spring and the new dawn, whose worship goes back to ancient Pagan Teutonic/Saxon cultures. Contemporary Pagans of many paths worship Her at Spring Equinox. This time is a balance of day and night. Her symbols include the hare, colored eggs, spring flowers; in the older times celebrants wore brand new clothing to celebrate her festival.

Goddess Ostara Initiation - Master-$13.00

You will receive the Goddess Ostara Initiation master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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