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Temple Of Empowerment

Gaia Star Universal Reiki

Created by Jaqueline Glen

- Sirian Star Guide & Archangelic Connections -

The attunement to the energies of the Gaia Star Universal Reiki System have been designed to facilitate a very high vibrational frequency that the founder says comes to us from the Sirian Star combined with the energy of our blessed mother earth.

It is an energy system that seems to be very good for those who feel that it is time for them to start releasing the blockages that have been preventing them from progressing on their spiritual and lifes path.

Through this releasement you will gain a very strong connection with the energies of the Star Guardians and Archangel Metatron.

There are 2 symbols within the Gaia Star Universal Reiki System which are to be used in your self healings to help bring through the energy of FOCUS and BALANCE to your life.

The practitioner manual consists of 4 pages and the master manual has 7 pages.

Gaia Star Universal Reiki - Master-$37.00

You will receive the Gaia Star Universal Reiki manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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