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Temple Of Empowerment

Freya's Warrior Heart Empowerment

Founded by Jay Burrell

Prerequisite: Reiki 2 & Thor’s Hammer

Freya's Warrior Heart Empowerment will not be for everyone as it works intensely on the HEART CHAKRA, which can sometimes be felt through the Physical body as a slight discomfort in and around the heart chakra.

This sensation can also take place when Freya is performing a clearing on you.

Remember you are in control and if at any time you feel that the energy coming to you is too strong just call upon Freya and ask her to stop.

Freya wants you to become a Warrior Healer so you MUST stand up to her and show her your own warrior power. REMEMBER Freya is a Viking Goddess, she is also gentle and compassionate but at the end of the day she is first and foremost a Warrior Goddess and expects you to find and become a warrior with her. Freya is here to give us a spiritual push to aid us in gaining the inner power that we all seem to have lost.

It is time to start the healing and empowering of ourselves so that we can better help others.

Freya will grant you release from fear and will give you the Courage, Strength, Self Confidence and power to stand up for what you believe in and to break down those barriers preventing you from growing spiritually and enjoying life.

Freya's Warrior Heart Empowerment- Master-$10.00

You will receive the Freya's Warrior Heart Empowerment master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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