Founded by Carla Vieira
This is a course which is especially interesting for Hypnotherapists,
Kinesiologists, NLP-Practitioners and Psychologists as well as
Metamorphosis therapists and Chakra balancing therapists, who are seeking
to make a long-term improvement in their clients' well being and help
clients to make a quantum leap towards success in life.
TThe FLM Success Training has been developed by Carla Vieira, she holds a BA,
MA, MBA and Msc and works as a freelance consultant and coach.
She holds diplomas in various alternative therapies including Yoga and
Meditation Teacher, Hypnosis, Meridian Psychotherapy, Kinesiology and
NLP (Neuro-Linguisitc-Programming). Extensive research of these modalities
have led to the development of the FLM Success Training, which has proven
very successful and efficient in provoking a deep-seated mental change and
outlook on life in clients and with most clients reporting they were pushed
a quantum leap towards success in life.
This is an innovative and highly efficient approach to therapeutic work
and at present is only taught by Victor Glanckopf in the USA.
A real must for therapists seeking to expand their horizons and add an integrative approach to their therapeutic work using the best techniques from NLP, Kinesiology and Meridian Psychotherapy.
This is the ultimate training that helps you make your life a real
Not being able to forgive and hanging on to old memories are
huge barriers for moving on in life and leading a self-fulfilling and
successful life.
Deception, pain, fear translate into negative energy
These tend to accumulate over time until they turn into a
negative set-up.
Because of the inner set-up causing energy blocks you
experience difficulties in finding a new love, new job, starting a new
career etc.
This is a two day course during which you will learn how
to transform a blocked personal set-up into a productive personal
set-up leading you to success.
After this course you can teach others
how to use the techniques and exercises you have learned and applied.