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Temple Of Empowerment

Financial Energetic Care

Founded By Hari:

- Money wisdom, maintain money and all forms of prosperity -

Financial Energetic Care is an unique abundance and prosperity energy system, where it helps us to uplift our thoughts and beliefs about Money that we may come to view it as a Good and Positive expression of the flow of life.

Negative thoughts and beliefs about Money retard receiving while loving and joyful thoughts immediately begin to attract it and cause it to grow and expand in your life.

It will also assist one to develop the Wisdom one needs to attract and maintain Money and all forms of Prosperity in our lives.

For not only do we need to have the consciousness of attracting Money and Prosperity, we also need to have the consciousness that we can keep it and attract even more in whatever amounts we desire.

Financial Energetic Care Reiki Attunement will help you to:

Develop your money wisdom and intuition abilities
Attract and maintain money and all forms of prosperity

To clear our negative beliefs about money

It helps to increase our awareness and ability to heed your Intuition which will help us to prosper greatly!

Financial Energetic Care-Master- $60.00

You will receive the Financial Energetic Care Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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