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Temple Of Empowerment

Fat Flush Attunement

Created by Shaya - Tracey Hansen

There are two levels of this system.

Level 1: Fat Flush Shakti is a Divine Intelligence who integrates and communicates with each of your fat cells. She aids the flushing of harmful stored memories, emotions and toxins from our bodies which have been stored with the accumulated fat - and is not in your highest good. She knows your ideal body weight and the benefits of reach this are self worth, increased energy and stamina. Your life will be enriched and lengthened as dis-eases such as diabetes & heart issues will be less likely when you are at your ideal body weight.

Level 2: Fat Flush flushes fat out of the hand and foot chakras in the form of vibrational energy that is recycled to Gaia and the cosmos into positive energy.

If you choose food as comfort to stuff down feelings, Fat Shakti and Fat Flush change these stored instances to be flushed and changed into positive sustaining energy for Gaia and the Universe.

Finally, Fat Flush Flow activates down from the chest and flushes out foot chakras.

Activate this energy before bed so it can run completely during the night.

You will receive the manual and attunement by chi ball and Certificates and lineage available upon request.

Fat Flush Attunement - Master-$80.00

You will receive the Fat Flush Attunement manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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