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Alcor As A Divine Elixir

"Your Link To Divine Grace!"

Founded By: Victor Glanckopf

Enhancing Energetic Healing is a wonderful new energy system with activatable attunements for developing your connection to your healing energies!

The first Shaktis (powerful energies) you will receive are for your Electromagnetic fields!

If your Electromagnetic Fields are polluted, you will be unable to keep your physical body at peak health!

Your mental & emotional bodies will not function normally so your life may contain unhappiness and despair.

Our electromagnetic fields can become so unbalanced that powerful Initiations & Shaktis are needed to rectify the situation.

Enhancing Energetic Healing Workshop activates the necessary energies to keep your life in balance and harmony!

Some Adepts have reported miraculous changes when activating these energies in their lives!

As a worm transforms to a beautiful butterfly so can you be changed by the activating of these special Empowerments.

You will receive 4 remarkable Empowerments including a very special Grace dispensation!

Enhancing Energetic Healing-$125.00-practitioner

You will receive the Enhancing Energetic Healing- practitioner manual via Email, All Empowerments and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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