Temple Of Empowerment

Elemental King's Nixa 'Reiki

Created By Alec and Debbie Summers

Prerequisite: Reiki Mastership

Elemental King's Nixa 'Reiki is a new Reiki system about the elementals that control the four elements.

They are the Undines - water, Slyphs - air, Salamanders - fire and Gnomes - earth.

The Elemental Kings are Nixsa, Paralda, Djinn and Ghob.

Nixsa works to control the rain and the ebb and flow of the oceans.

The Ondine live in all types of water from the oceans to lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and swamps.

The ripples of the sea live in the coral reefs, while tiny winged creatures can be found under the water lilies, are emotional creatures who like to work with people, giving us clairvoyance and magical abilities.

They like to work with human beings within our dreams, helping to fulfill our desires, they are often called by the witches to help them in their spells.

Often they work with humans to increase the links between people, including family, friends, etc.

Elemental King's Nixa 'Reiki -Master -$35.00

You will receive the Elemental King's Nixa 'Reiki Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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