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Temple Of Empowerment

Earth Soul Anointing

Created by Mariah Windsong

Earth Soul Anointing is a dose of Earths Soul energy.

People who are skilled at shamanic style spiritual journeying or are able to sense the presence of Angels and Nature Spirits in their meditations will likely have a more profound experience with Earth Soul Anointing than someone who does not feel subtle energies.

Your connection with Nature Spirits and Devas is likely to increase and any sincere seeker will benefit from this anointing.

Earth Soul Anointing is to be approached with reverence.

If She feels you are ready for a more visceral meeting in a very conscious way that you will remember, then She will grant it to you.

This is an anointing of Earths Soul energy, it is not for us to ask for additional things, nor run her energy. We are granted the privilege of an up close meeting with Earths soul energy, and are to simply be grateful to be within the core of who she IS.

Earth Soul Anointing - Master-$21.99

You will receive the Earth Soul Anointing manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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