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Temple Of Empowerment

Earthly Vibration Amplifier

Created by Maha Kamaleksana

Earthly Vibration Amplifier helps us to connect to a deeper connection with nature and with plants, trees and animals and with Mother Gaia herself. It has a vibration of happiness and joy for life and contributes to more cheerful, pleasant people entering our life.

It carries a strong vibration for change as soft gradual energy to flow outwards, throughout our life. So, If you are person who is passionate about the earth and who feels that it is time to step forward to help heal the earth, then the energy of this energetic system will be of benefit to you!

This very nature energetic tool assists us to feel more balanced emotionally. It may strengthen relationships as it brings a stream of happiness, joy and contentment to our life which will flow through to those with whom we are in contact with.

It also encourage more enthusiasm for the healing of our environment as well as bringing us personal healing. The lovely energy of this energy system flows out and aids us to personally heal any emotional problems we may have. Even if we feel that all is well in your life, the addition of extra joy and happiness will benefit us!

The vibration of this energy system challenges us to feel more respect for all life, including plants, animals and all environments. Thus, it is very excellent energetic tool to heal our pets, garden, even the earth, our Mother of Life!

Earthly Vibration Amplifier - Master-$30.00

You will receive the Earthly Vibration Amplifier manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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