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Temple Of Empowerment

Earth Connection of Human Energetic System

Created by Hari Winarso

- Eliminates disorientation, improves sense of direction, opens solar plexus, brings down cosmic energies -

Earth Connection Of Human Energetic System is a wonderful energetic tool that brings the human energy system into a state of balance with the whole of the Earth energy system.

In particular it balances ones energy with that of the Earths solar orbit, so that one remains in orbital balance wherever you may be on the planet. Eliminates disorientation, improves the sense of direction and is ideal for travellers.

Earth Connection Of Human Energetic System transmits and connects one with a high frequency colour of very deep blue, which is a spiritual channel. It opens the Solar Plexus Chakra to receive knowledge of and from extra terrestrial civilisations.

It allow you to bring down cosmic energies into Earth for healing. Such as starlight energy, background cosmic energy, the energy of other galaxies and star systems, etc. If you can think of it and locate it out there in space, then you can bring it down with this.

This extra terrestrial energies can be used for a multitude of spiritual and healing purposes on Earth.

You will receive the manual, attunement by chi ball. Lineage and Certificate available upon request.

Earth Connection of Human Energetic System - Master-$40.00

You will receive the Earth Connection of Human Energetic System Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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