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Temple Of Empowerment

Dream Scenario Clearance

Created by Mariah Windsong Couture

Receive Karmic clearance for old behaviors and thoughts so that you will not be reminded of those issues by your subconscious in your night dreams. This clearance also frees the way to speed up the manifesting of what you do want, not only in your dreams, but here, in your daily life.

Level 1 Self Forgiveness Healing Ray sets the foundation and Dream Scenario Clearance activations clear your subconscious patterns and cellular memories of topics that are related to behaviors you don’t choose to exhibit. Comfort Wrap Reiki fills in where previous unwanted patterns were.

Level 2 provides you with the ability to clear those same areas, for topics and patterns that first arose in any other time or place. Level 2 provides the ability to pass Dream Scenerio Clearance on to others if you are a Reiki Master.

Your Ascension Vibration attunement gives you access to this highly individualized vibration and the power of the yin yang symbols as an activator of your ascension vibration.

Dream Scenario Clearance - Master-$33.33

You will receive the Dream Scenario Clearance master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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