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Temple Of Empowerment

Dragon Lightworker Trilogy

Created by Linda Colibert

The Dragon LightWorker Trilogy connects you to the energies of Dragons in three levels of attunements.

Each level increases the energies and power of working with all Dragons, although there are three major Dragons you will be strongly connected to and working with for healing, manifestation, and protection in body, mind, and spirit.

Dragons are powerful and they are multidimensional beings of light. There are many different Dragons, but the three major ones you will be attuned to and work with in the Dragon LightWorker Trilogy are:

Level 1: Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs

The Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs, protect these sacred areas and the energies associated with them. You may call on them for protection also. They will not allow any negative or dark energies to Magickal energies of these sacred waters, and they will not allow any corruption of your positive intentions as you do LightWork or Positive Magick. Your energies will be pure and directed toward the highest good whenever working with the Dragons of Magickal Wells and Springs.

Level 2: Dragons of the Mystical Winds

Call on the Dragons of Mystical Winds and visualize one of the Dragons coming to you. This Dragon asks you if you are ready to go on a journey to higher realms of self discovery. If you answer yes, the Dragon of Mystical Winds will allow you to climb onto its back and will fly away with you higher, higher, higher—into the clouds. There you will see a crystal castle that is light and delicate as a feather. It is glowing in bright light that reflects rainbows of color all around. Your energy fields will glow brightly, filling with the colors needed to heal and be healthy. Positive energies fill you and you feel alive and energized. Inspiration and messages of how to solve problems come to you and you remember and understand. You feel motivated to take the necessary actions to bring about the results you want

Level 3: Dragons of Mother Gaias Heart

When you connect to the Dragons of Gaias Heart, they will help you by drawing positive energies up from the Earth. The Mother Goddess Gaia will send you blessings of abundance in all areas of your life. The energies move up from the Earth though the soles of your feet and up into your entire body. To draw abundance and prosperity to you, use the symbol and run the energies. Ask the Dragons of Gaias Heart to guide you to opportunities, and to draw to you all that you need for the highest good. When you do this and ask for abundance, lack and limitations being drawn out through your feet and see the positive energies of abundance and prosperity being drawn back up from the Earth to fill your body and energy fields with a higher vibration, love, and light to heal, heal, heal! Always the energies of the Dragons of Gaias Heart are working to heal you and the Earth. They heal through removing anything that blocks the flow of energies, and filling that void or empty space with positive energies. It is a cycle of renewal. You can use these energies to help you with healing, manifestation, and for protection. You will receive 3 attunements sent via chi ball.

Dragon Lightworker Trilogy - Master-$39.99

Thx Victor, the Dragon attunement was amazing! Love, Anita

You will receive the Dragon Lightworker Trilogy master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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