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Divine Provision Reiki Levels 1-3

Divine Provision Reiki Level 1

Created by Mariah Windsong

Divine Provision Reiki level 1 provides you with 2 Shaktis that will attend to your connections with people and your monetary income pathways. Sometimes there are repairs to be made. Other times old pathways are obsolete, yet a connection remains that needs to be dissolved away before your provisions increase substantially. Influx Upgrade Empowerment fortifies your monetary income pathways so that you can sustain an increased influx of money.

Divine Provision Reiki level 1 is a form of Reiki that attends to many of the factors involved with how your provisions arrive to you. Provisions, otherwise known as supplies or the money to buy them need strong energy pathways to ensure a sustained flow in physicality will arrive to you.

Divine Provision Reiki Level 1- Master-$25.25

Divine Provision Reiki Level 2

Divine Provision Reiki level 2 assists you to create new income pathways in the ethereal realms.

A Monetary Energy Burst sets the foundation here in physicality for your provisions to arrive in a very real way!

There are many reasons that it can be difficult to create new paths for provisions/supplies/monies to arrive into your life. By creating the energetic incoming pathways and fully integrating them with your body’s energy fields you bridge the gap between wanting and receiving.

Divine Provision Reiki Level 2-Master-$25.25

Divine Provision Reiki Level 3

Divine Provision Reiki level 3 provides the Financial Provision Divine Protection Field to protect both the income pathways you’ve created and repaired, as well as the provisions you already have in your life.

A Continual Maintenance Ray tends these pathways to be sure they remain flexible and strong. An Increase Flow Dial gives you added freedom to increase or decrease speed of inflow!

Divine Provision Reiki level 3 is the Master Teacher level and you may both pass this system on to others after the completion of this level as well as use all of the functions and Shakti for clients, friends or loved ones. There is a 3 day wait after receiving level 3 before you can share with others.

Divine Provision Reiki Level 3 - Master-$25.25

All Levels Divine Provision Reiki 1-3-Master-$65.25

You will receive the correct Divine Provision Reiki manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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