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Temple Of Empowerment

Diamond Himalaya Reiki

Created by Stewart Farquharson

Diamond Himalaya Reiki is a beautiful energy system.

The main energies of the Diamond Himalaya Reiki will gently initiate you into the mystical land who’s secret entrance is hidden within the Himalaya mountains.

Called by some as Agartha and others as Shamballa. It is undoubtedly a place which vibrates with a special frequency of energy that is of pure peace where it is said the inhabitants remain young and healthy forever. They hearts glow with the pure universal energies of the universal light of truth.

Some of these inhabitants take delight in caring for plants and animals, some study and teach, some create beautiful works of music and art.

There is also a belief that some leave Agartha to help in the ascension of humanity and mother earth when they are called to do so.

As you work with these energies and connect with the 4 Initiations that are given within the manual you will gain a very special energetic connection with this hidden land where you can travel during your meditations to gain insight, wisdom and unique understanding about how they can help you on your spiritual and life’s path.

Diamond Himalaya Reiki - Master-$20.00

You will receive the Diamond Himalaya Reiki manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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