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Temple Of Empowerment

Dance Of Joy Reiki

Dance of Joy Reiki is given to us by Archangel Auriel to help us to joyfully greet and experience changes, transitions, transformations and challenges encountered in the Earth School. The energies of The Dance of Joy Reiki allow us to accept that everything that we experience in the Earth School serves a Higher Purpose for our Soul.This is true even in those confusing and dark hours when we just cannot seem to fathom this truth.

Archangel Auriel comes in to remind us that our Highest Good will always surface and manifest from any changes or challenges in Divine Time. As well, Archangel Auriels energies help us to connect to the creative ways that our Highest Good can manifest in times when we cannot even imagine what the answer or outcome may be. The energies of this system enable us to choose to experience change gently and joyfully.

Dance of Joy Reiki will help us to embrace challenges, transitions and changes so that we can stop resisting our lessons. This allows us to master our lessons, adopt Higher Perspectives and bring new energy and light into what appears dark and uncertain.

With the energies of Dance of Joy Reiki and Archangel Auriels help we are cleared of anger, unforgiveness, and other negative emotions that cloud our vision and judgment. Our aura is cleansed and cleared with the Purple and Gold Ray of Wisdom and Peace of Archangel Auriel. Stress will be relieved so that we can truly do the Dance of Joy because we are now able to master an aspect of our lower nature. These energies support us during the many, many twists, turns, bumps and curves of our spiritual journey, and dispel darkness to light when we are feeling angry, confused, victimized or depressed due to changes that we are experiencing as we travel the path of our spiritual journey. Dance of Joy Reiki connects us to the power within us to choose to face all situations in life with joy and thanksgiving.

Dance Of Joy Reiki - Master-$20.00

Thanks so much Victor! I really enjoyed both of these attunements, and both have really nice manuals. The Dance of Joy attunement was pretty significant for me. I felt light, and happy and felt a swirly energy all through my body.. I felt at least 3 distinct waves of energy... when the energy would start to diminish I would kind of doze off and then I would feel another strong wave of the swirling head spinning energy start. Very enjoyable. Clara

You will receive theDance Of Joy Reiki master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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