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Temple Of Empowerment

Da'at Void of Potential Awakening

Created by Mariah Windsong

Da at Void of Potential Awakening energy system awakens the chambers of your heart to the spark of emotion. As your potentials within the Void of Da at spark into awakening they will mature and move into your reality. Da at Spark of Emotions empowers you to use your emotions wisely. Da at Power of Knowledge gives you the determination to take action.

Da at is as a veil that exists at the edge of the void. Void in this description is related to the formless open space through which creation arises. Womb would also be a good term. Void is a better description if you think of going far out into space or deep into sub atomic space. Void in such a way that there is nothing around, not even light is visible. We are speaking about a very mysterious, sacred, hidden and fertile region.

Da at is not usually shown on diagrams of the Sephiroth Tree of Life. Some people think that it is because it is the culmination of all of the Sephira in one. I think it is because it is the entrance to the void, this powerhouse of creation energy whose potential can be awakened.

Da at Void of Potential Awakening - Master-$37.00

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