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Temple Of Empowerment

Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment

Created by Hari Winarso

Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment works at the level of the 7th or Crown chakra and precipitates consciousness from the subtle and higher planes into the definite working awareness.

This is achieved by opening the spiritual eye to the devine reality and receiving those energies into the head centre.

The goal is clear-sightedness, understanding and enlightenment.

The Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment will assist the soul (individual or group) to open to the processes of sight and revelation.

The intention and the invocation, in opening to the process of spiritual perception through the intuition and by clear pure light of the devine understanding, can stimulate a vision of the plan.

Goals become clear and the desire towards fulfillment of the plan is evoked.

Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment - Master-$25.00

Hello Sri Victor, hope all is well! Completed the Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment, the energy was amazing in the upper Chakras. The energy experiences lasted well over an hour and were beautifully represented in the manual. Thank you so much for this wonderful system! Thank you so much for these fantastic workshops and life changing energies! With Regards and Blessings Always, Sal

You will receive the Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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