Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
No longer is it necessary to rely on others solely for evidence of
spiritual reality!
Cosmic Mastery Workshop's Attunements, Empowerments and Shaktipat
are important at all levels in pointing the way forward to reconnecting
you with the inner experience of the divine.
Cosmic Mastery Workshop's Attunements are a great preparation to be in a
divine joyous Spiritual state free of dogma.
Cosmic Mastery Workshop's Attunements introduce you to higher energy vibrations and
correspondingly to the existence of inner worlds of divine light.
The Divine Source is and has always been at the very center of all
creation at the very highest vibration of Energy.
Cosmic Mastery Empowerments gives you a knowing beyond all doubt the
true reality of peace, tranquility and harmony.
We are all multi-dimensional beings, concurrently occupying physical,
Astral and Mental bodies, even though most people are only aware of the
Everything in the entire Universe is pure Energy, differing only in the
rate of vibration.
Energy exists all the way to Source! Everything is Energy including
We live, evolve and have our being in a thought Universe, and it is
therefore the Energy of thought that brings about creation.
The Universe is pure thought Energy vibrating at varying frequencies
from the very highest down to physical reality.
The experience of separateness is nothing more than illusion projected
by our senses to interpret energy, albeit incorrectly.
Cosmic Mastery Empowerments can give you the experience of higher Energy
vibrations in complete accordance with divine law!
The instant you activate Cosmic Mastery Workshop's Empowerments by mental
intention, the energies will activate in you!
You will become in total harmony with Divine energy.
As you integrate Cosmic Master Workshop energies into your life and
Consciousness, seemingly amazing things will start to happen to you.
Cosmic Mastery Workshop's contains 7 special Empowerments with secret techniques!