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Cor Cordium Initiations

"Heart Of Hearts"

Founded By: Victor Glanckopf

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

Cor Cordium Initiation Workshop vibrations elevates and aides the transformation of the human heart into its spiritual heart!

The Initiations are designed to free the human initiate from the woes and stresses of the material world.

Many people on our planet have many agitations of the mental and emotional kind.

Cor Cordium Initiation Workshop balances and clears these unbalances leading to the development of the spiritual man, full of serenity of spirit and clarity of perception.

The Initiations on this Workshop will help your Heart reach its full potential of divine virtue and clarity of spiritual vision.

As your Heart expands, you will come to realize the purity of Heart realizations and the virtues of spiritual and devotional vibrations!

O Heart of Hearts, the chalice of love's fire,
Hid round with flowers and all the bounty of bloom;
O wonderful and perfect heart, for whom
The lyrist liberty made life a lyre;
O heavenly heart, at whose most dear desire
Dead love, living and singing, cleft his tomb,
And with him risen and regent in death's room
All day thy choral pulses rang full choir;
O heart whose beating blood was running song,
O sole thing sweeter than thine own songs were,
Help us for thy free love's sake to be free,
True for thy truth's sake, for thy strength's sake strong,
Till very liberty make clean and fair
The nursing earth as the sepulchral sea. ~ Swinburne

Cor Cordium means the Heart Of Hearts or spiritual heart of everlasting love!

Activating the remarkable empowerments in this Workshop, you will soar through the doorway from material consciousness to spiritual consciousness.

This Workshop is for those aspirants who wish to seek change and desire to spiritually empower themselves.

This Workshop is for those aspirants who want to live life as an expression of who they really are in unconditional love.

It is no coincidence that you are here and we invite to join us on this remarkable journey!

Cor Cordium Initiations-practitioner-$125.00

Victor, I'm moving slowly through the attunements for Cor Cordium because truly, they are so powerful. I keep thinking, if I'd discovered this love long ago, it would have saved me many a bad relationship and wasted time and energy. This divine love flowing through me makes me autonomous, one in myself. That is very powerful, and it feels like the "food" that the soul longs for. Peace, Clara

You will receive the Cor Cordium Initiations Manual via Email, All Attunements and a Printed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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