Founded By Scion
Convert & Reverse Magickal Flux energies help you to act responsibly and are powerful magickal energies of reversal, as they
reverse any energy, situation or circumstance into its opposite.
They help you to convert or reverse negativity.
They bring a powerful aura of success, charisma and authority.
They work to transmute poverty, brings in the energies of healing, and abundance, helps you to release poverty
consciousness and you will discover what triggers your thoughts and habits that lead to manifesting poverty.
Any negative energy, negative habits and any adverse environment, black energies can be converted to the positive.
You will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement!
Convert & Reverse Magickal Flux-$49.00
You will receive the Convert & Reverse Magickal Flux Master
manual via
Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.
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