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Temple Of Empowerment

Constantine Reiki

Founder: Linda Colbert

- The Power Within- Connects you to your Inner Light, the Power within to defeat darkness, overcome nightmares, reach beyond limits -

Whether you realize it or not, there is a struggle within and a struggle between the dark and light energies.

The Constantine Reiki, The Power Within, connects you to the inner light, the power within you to defeat the darkness, to overcome the nightmares, to reach beyond the limitations, and demons of your own creation and more.

This attunement has a strong energy that does not allow darkness to dominate or rule your thoughts.

The darkness always flees the light—they cannot exist in the same place and dimension at the same time.

Constantine Reiki is the power within you that shines the light on your soul, your heart, and your environment.

Constantine Reiki - Master-$21.00

You will receive the Constantine Reiki Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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