The Chios energy healing system is a very comprehensive,
powerful and effective system for aura and chakra healing. Chios is
very unique and represents fundamental advances in energy healing. Included
in Chios are integral meditation methods, personal growth exercises
for the healer and treatment procedures for complementary care of serious
Chios is a complete integrated system employing standardized instructional
materials available to anyone in the world. Chios Attunements can
be activated in-person or by Long Distance. Chios is a powerful personal
healing system and can be used effectively for others as well as for
planetary transformation. Now you can learn and practice the energy
healing art of the 21st century!
The home study option includes the complete series of 3
Chios Attunements that will be given to you by distance Attunement, in a
sequential series performed for you alone. The full series
requires a total of 5 weeks with a one week wait between the
First Attunement and the Second, and a one-month wait between
the Second and Third (Master) Attunements.
The first attunement opens the healing student's energy, color and light channeling abilities. It lays the foundation for all that follows. It will enable you to draw in the universal healing energy and also activiates you as healing instruments.
The second attunement expands your energy field's ability to draw in healing energy, powerfully opens the energy channels in your body which brings the healing energy to your hands, and greatly increases the ability of your hands to channel energy, color and light. "It creates in you the ability to shape the light"
The third attunement is a very powerful attunement. It accelerates your ability to draw in and channel energy, color and light to the highest level.
The Fourth and Final attunement is the Master Attunement. This attunement will enable you to attune students to this system of Energy Healing. In its higher meaning, the Master Attunement "Enables you to act as a direct channel to the essence" and powerfully receive and direct color and light.
Chios training is offered through the Spiritual Awakening Network
by Victor Glanckopf who is a certified Chios Master with the
Chios Institute and authorized to teach, pass attunements
and certify students who have completed the required course
of study.
The Chios Course Workbook for the level you are taking should be completed
by the student, during study, and the answers sent to the CCMT
(by mail, email or fax) for evaluation according to the answer key
All Chios Students must abide by the Chios guidelines as posted on their