Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Chakra Rings are interdimensional energetic rings within the subtle body!
Chakra Rings process the energy of the 7 main chakras to transform them to healthier vibrational frequencies.
When these rings are enhanced and balanced by Empowerment, they are then able to assimilate the Elemental energies to transform your
life force.
Your chakras will then vibrate to their original radiance!
Chakra Rings Attunements will help your chakras become balanced so you will acquire a strong Luminous energy field!
Chakra Rings Attunements also act as filters to prevent any negative energy from harming you.
In a world filled with fear, the chakra rings attunements will provide your aura essential energetic protection.
Your energy and life flow will be much smoother so you will experience health, harmony and peace.
Chakra Rings Workshop contains 5 Activatable Attunements & 3 hidden Attunements.