Founded by: Victor Glanckopf
Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work
Blue Lightening Angels will assist you in your Ascension process.
Blue Lightening Angels Workshop will facilitate you to make the
quantum shift to a personal spiritual awakening.
The Blue Lightening Angels are holy angels who have overcome all things.
This shift will raise your vibration safely as you practice the special
meditation and activate the Ascension Frequency Empowerments.
True ascension is vibrating your different divine bodies at a higher
frequency rate.
Your subconscious mind and your dreams will be transformed over time
into a Fourth Dimensional reality!
By our Empowerment process, the Blue Lightening Angels will bring
layers of light through your spiritual bodies into your
physical being. These energies will then be anchored into your physical
plane of reality.
This bio-energetic field that is created will vibrate your DNA to a
divine level.
You will begin to perceive the multiple dimensional realities that exist simultaneously
and you will start to participate in them.
You will receive the Blue Lightening Angels practioneer manual via
Email, All Attunements and a Printed certificate. Plus
full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.