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Temple Of Empowerment

Beautiful Calm Energy

Created by Maha Kamaleksana

It is an excellent energy for meditation that will heighten the profoundness of our inner journey and support spiritual growth. It takes us easily to the higher realms and helps us to make heart felt spiritual connections that have an amazing beauty and depth.

It has a sweet calming energy that is effective to help stress and tension. Its vibration helps us to deal with stress, depression and anxiety. And it is wonderful energy system to create a peaceful and harmonious space for healing. Beautiful Calm Energy moves throughout our entire body, healing areas of the aura that need help and activating all of the chakras.

It first makes a connection at the heart chakra and this is a beautiful and profoundly loving energy that brings emotional healing, thus that helps us to release tension and stress, and may aid hypertension.

It calms the brain and releases the tension there which allows us to utilize the power of the brain and mind and helps with enhancing creativity when the energy moves up to the Third Eye Chakra.

It is also aid communication and may stimulate our throat chakra. Its calm energy allows ourself to flow with the energy and follow what comes forth as it may create experiences for inner growth.

Beautiful Calm Energy vibration aids all of the chakras below the heart by clearing stagnant energy as it activates them and its action within the brain will help the solar plexus chakra to operate better.

When we work at the Sacral Chakra, its energy aids the healing of relationship problems where there is stagnant energy in that area that is difficult to shift. It's lovely healing energy aids self esteem, and may help us if we have self confidence or self worth issues. It helps to heal relationships of all kinds, including those with the people we work with, friendships, personal love relationships and most of all may aid us to feeling more loving towards ourself.

Beautiful Calm Energy - Master-$28.00

You will receive the Beautiful Calm Energy manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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