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Temple Of Empowerment

Awakening the Light Codes of Atlantis

Created by Ellen Dana's Stamer

Quote from the Founder

"While Mother Earth goes through a difficult period of transformation is, every single one of us asked to use his energy, his knowledge and strength to serve the planetary ascension. We are asked to remember the love we have for Mother Earth. It is now time to start our heritage, to recognize our true self and let go of the old belief systems, ideas and expectations. We step out of any fear or any form of separation, to see the ALL ONE or I AM that connects us all together.

We now go through a gate into a new world that is completely unknown. In it we discover the beauty, the diversity of all that is and always will be.

We are now open to a higher state of consciousness, or higher vibration. This process already announced by many ancient prophecies, enables us now to retrieve innate knowledge. We are ONE with mother earth, ONE with all life, we are DIVINE. In this initiation, our physical body is cleansed to prepare ourselves>

Our entire light codes are activated and we thus get access our original knowledge. Then we will be accompanied by Thoth the Atlantean, in the Atlantic crystal temple.

Here we will gain access to our heritage and can claim our true heritage

It reveals to us our deepest being and reveals to us who and what we are. It allows us the love we have intended to embody in this world. An Initiation gives us tools and resources, as well as the allies, so this way is unswerving and effortlessly as possible.

It lies to us, our promise to our brothers and sisters and especially ourselves to adhere to this promise on all levels of our lives."

You will receive the manual and attunement by chi ball call in method.

Awakening the Light Codes of Atlantis - Master-$64.99

You will receive the Awakening the Light Codes of Atlantis manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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